Karma Honey Project - Zen Monastary Bee Sanctuary
Centro Zen Monastery in Puerto Rico is one of the most peaceful and beautiful places we have visited so far. Located a short 30 minute drive from old San Juan, this mystic jungle placed retreat is at the highest point of all of San Juan.
We are in the process of building a bee sanctuary here, this will be an incredible place not only to visit but the bees will explode the production of local flowers and fruits.
A gorgeous yet simple and humble temple sit atop of the mountain with views that overlook all of San Juan.
All around the temple there are lush gardens, vegetables and fruit trees spread over 15 acres of land.
The Bee sanctuary we are building here will feature 20 beehives. As it is currently the time of year that bees typically hibernate we will be building the hives slowly over the next two to three months so that the queens do not abscond from the hives.
Mindfulness Retreats and Educational Workshops

This incredible place is available for retreats, yoga sessions and features a Saturday and Sunday Zen meditation session. Check back to this post to see more updated pictures and information as we build our Zen Bee sanctuary here.
For more information on visiting Centro Zen or checking out one of their weekend meditation sessions please visit them via their Facebook page.
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